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Introducing Shortages & Multiple Product Images

Author: Jeffrey van der Veer December 19, 2019 · 2 Min read
Introducing Shortages & Multiple Product Images

The newest version of Booqable has two new features: you can allow and resolve shortages, and add multiple images to your products.

Grow faster by allowing shortages

If you find yourself canceling or declining orders because you’re a few items short in your inventory, you’ll love our latest release. You can now allow shortages for your products by setting a shortage limit for each one. By allowing shortages, you can reserve more items than you have available—which can be a powerful tool to grow your business. You’ll be able to accept more reservations, quickly see which ones have shortages, and resolve them to prevent issues down the road.

To help you resolve shortages, we made some improvements to the inventory screen in Booqable. If you navigate to a product, you’ll now see two tabs: regular stock, and expected or temporary stock. Users that incorporate shortages into their workflows can solve them by adding expected or temporary stock. Perfect if you expect to own more items in the future or temporarily need to add sub-rentals to your inventory.

Note: Expected stock will be part of your regular stock based on the available from date you provide. Learn more about this update here.

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Show more product images


Product images let your customers see what your products look like in your online store and on documents. Instead of showing just one image in your store, you can now add more pictures, choose a thumbnail, and set a focal point to prevent cropping issues. Great for showing detailed shots and displaying different angles of your products.

Follow these steps to add multiple product images:

  1. From a Product page, navigate to its Settings.
  2. In the Images section, click Upload or drag and drop images from your computer.
  3. Click and drag images to change their order (the first, top-left image is your primary image; the thumbnail in your online store and on documents). You can also set a focal point for each image to ensure important elements are always visible and nicely centered. More on product images here.

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