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Making Moving Easier with Easy Moving Box Rental and Booqable

Author: Nathan Crossley July 19, 2021 · 3 Min read
Making Moving Easier with Easy Moving Box Rental and Booqable

Easy Moving Box Rental




Moving Box Rental


Minneapolis, United States

It takes a specific type of person to find a gap in a market where no one else would think to look. Matthias Frasch is this type of person, and just a couple of months ago, he opened his moving box rental service. He saw that there wasn’t a way for people to book moving boxes easily and wanted to create a simple solution for this overlooked problem. He chose Booqable as the rental software to run the back-end of his business, and he loves it so far.

As an adult, moving house can be one of the most stressful things you will do, and people generally move just a handful of times in their life. One of the biggest things to think about is how you’re going to move all of your belongings. You can’t just throw them into a truck and call it a day, and finding enough cardboard boxes can be a chore. What if you could hire heavy-duty boxes to transport your stuff in quickly and easily?

Easy Moving Box Rental

Matthias Frasch founded Easy Moving Box Rentals after seeing an apparent gap in the way people move or temporarily store their belongings. He set out to find a solution to this problem by creating a box rental service that was as easy as possible for customers. He identified that his customers would be able to find what they need in just a few clicks.

He built the entire process himself, and his key considerations were ease of use and the scalability of his moving box rental business. He now offers moving boxes in various bundles that cater to apartments and homes of differing sizes. They are available on his beautifully designed website created by himself, and he has already attracted a few customers in his first couple of months.


Simple and easy

While Matthias was building his online rental experience, he had initially purchased a subscription for another rental software. However, the online store integration proved insufficient for his needs, and he sought out another solution. He came across Booqable, and within minutes he was able to see if it offered a significantly better booking experience.

He found that it was much better suited for his needs, and he abandoned the previous rental software, for which he had already paid one year up-front. So, he moved forward with Booqable.

Another big selling point for Matthias was the ease of integrating Booqable into his Squarespace website. He calls Booqable “hands down the best solution out of the box” and loved the fact that he could copy and paste the code without creating it himself.

Moving forward

Easy Moving Box Rental only launched a couple of months ago, but Matthias already sees excellent results from his integration of Booqable. He has commented that he “would not have made any sales” if he had not switched to Booqable. His initial customers have also commented that the website and online booking is simple and easy.

So, it seems like he is achieving his goal of creating a simple way for people to rent out moving boxes, taking away some of the stress of moving homes. He found a niche that was being overlooked and found his own solution to it that works thanks to his entrepreneurial spirit and Booqable.

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