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Are You Missing Out on Bookings by Forcing People to Contact You First?

Author: Nathan Crossley October 23, 2024 · 5 Min read
Are You Missing Out on Bookings by Forcing People to Contact You First?

For many years, customers have expected to find what they need with just a few clicks. Yet, many equipment rental businesses still require potential customers to reach out via contact forms or phone calls before they can secure a booking.

While this approach may have worked in the past, it’s no longer in line with today’s consumers’ expectations. By forcing people to contact you before they can book, you’re likely losing valuable business to competitors who offer a more seamless experience.

In this post, we’ll explore why relying on contact forms is holding your business back, how online booking systems can solve these issues while giving you control over the process, and why some companies hesitate to switch.

Contact forms vs. online bookings: what’s the difference?

The difference between requiring a contact form and offering online booking seems simple: with a contact form, the customer reaches out, and your team responds to finalize the details. With online booking, customers can browse your inventory, check availability, and secure the equipment they need—instantly, without any manual back-and-forth.

However, the real difference lies in how these two models affect your bottom line:

  • Speed and convenience: Contact forms introduce a waiting period. Customers submit their information and wait for your team to respond, which could take hours or even days. On the other hand, online booking systems provide instant access to your inventory, allowing potential customers to see what’s available immediately, get pricing, and book on the spot.
  • Customer preferences: People are increasingly impatient with waiting for replies. The convenience of online bookings is in line with the modern consumer’s expectations. By offering a direct booking system, you can reduce drop-offs when people get tired of waiting for a response.

While contact forms may seem like a way to offer a more personalized experience or maintain control over bookings, online booking systems can streamline the process while still allowing you to control key details.

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Why relying on contact forms is holding you back

While contact forms may seem like a simple way to capture customer interest and maintain control over bookings, they often do more harm than good. Contact forms introduce unnecessary delays and friction that frustrate potential customers. These barriers can cause customers to leave your site, head to competitors, or abandon the process altogether.

1. People want instant gratification

Whether ordering food, booking a vacation, or purchasing concert tickets, people want quick access to what they need. The equipment rental industry is no different. If a potential customer lands on your site but has to fill out a contact form or wait for a callback to know if the equipment is available, there’s a high chance they’ll leave and look for a faster option.

The average consumer’s patience for delays is short. By the time your sales team sends them a quote or confirms availability, they may have already found another provider who made the process easier. An online booking system that shows real-time availability and pricing can meet this need for speed, ensuring you capture bookings at the moment of interest.

2. It’s an unnecessary hurdle

Adding a contact step in the booking process is like putting a wall between your business and the customer. It adds friction, and every added step is a chance for the customer to abandon the process. Research shows that each additional hurdle in the customer journey can result in significant drop-offs.

Think about how many potential customers leave without ever sending that initial email or making that phone call. Some may not want to take the time, while others don’t want to deal with the perceived hassle of waiting for a response. If they can’t immediately book, many customers will abandon your website and find another option that lets them move forward without friction.

3. You’re not available 24/7

Your rental business may have set hours, but your website is always open. Potential customers could be browsing at any time of day or night, whether it’s 3 p.m. or 3 a.m. If you require them to contact you first, what happens when they reach your site outside business hours? They’re left waiting until someone can respond; by then, they may have already moved on to a competitor.

A fully automated online booking system works for you even when your team is unavailable. This 24/7 accessibility ensures you don’t lose potential bookings just because no one can answer a phone call or respond to an email.

4. It adds to your team’s workload

Requiring people to contact you before booking gives your team more control but also adds to their workload. Sales teams must respond to every inquiry manually, which takes time away from other essential tasks. Meanwhile, customers are left waiting, and the time gap could mean the difference between a completed booking and a lost lead.

By integrating streamlined equipment rental software that automates the booking process, you not only provide customers with the immediate response they crave but also free up your staff to focus on high-value tasks like customer service, equipment maintenance, and marketing. Automation can handle real-time bookings, confirmations, and payment processing, leaving your team with fewer repetitive tasks.

5. Competitors have already moved on

If you’re still forcing people to contact you first, you’re behind the curve. Many competitors have likely already adopted online equipment rental platforms, allowing seamless, real-time bookings. Customers are getting used to this level of convenience, and they’ll expect the same from your business.

It’s essential to keep up with evolving customer preferences in a competitive industry. Businesses that adopt digital tools early often capture a larger market share. Those who resist change risk being left behind as customers gravitate toward companies with the ease and efficiency they expect.

Why some businesses stick to contact forms (and why it’s time to move on)

Despite the clear benefits of online bookings, many equipment rental businesses are reluctant to switch from the contact form model. Let’s tackle some of the common reasons why companies still stick with this approach:

Perception of personalization

Some businesses believe handling each booking request manually allows them to provide a more personal touch. While this might have been true in the past, today’s advanced online booking systems can be customized to offer a personalized experience without manual intervention. Follow-up emails and customizable email confirmations can make customers feel valued without delay.

Fear of losing control

Many business owners worry that online bookings will mean they lose control over inventory, pricing, or availability. However, with the right equipment rental software, you can set detailed rules for availability, pricing, and booking conditions, giving you complete control over what the customer sees and books. You can even require approval on certain bookings before they are finalized, ensuring you maintain oversight.

Concerns about complexity

Some may fear that transitioning to an online system will be complex and time-consuming. The good news is that modern booking platforms are designed with user-friendliness in mind. Many offer seamless integrations with existing websites and inventory systems so you can switch without significantly overhauling your operations.

Tradition and comfort

Change can be difficult, primarily if the contact form method has worked in the past. However, it’s essential to recognize that customer expectations have shifted. What worked 10 years ago may not be enough to compete in today’s digital marketplace. Embracing online booking is about meeting customers where they are and providing the experience they expect.

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In some business cases using contact forms makes sense

While online booking systems offer many advantages, there are situations where using contact forms is a conscious and strategic decision for some equipment rental businesses. In certain cases, direct interaction with potential customers can offer benefits that an automated system may not fully provide. Here are a few reasons why sticking with contact forms might make sense:

Qualifying high-end leads

If your business rents out high-end or specialized equipment, it may be important to qualify leads before moving forward with a rental. Contact forms give you the opportunity to engage with customers and assess whether their needs align with the type of equipment you provide. This can prevent misuse of expensive assets and help ensure that your customers are knowledgeable and prepared to handle such equipment properly.

Maintaining flexibility with inventory

When everything is automated and visible online, your inventory may appear limited to what you have in stock. For businesses that frequently rent out highly specialized equipment, this could be a drawback. Contact forms allow you to manage inventory more dynamically:

  • Catering to specific customer needs: You can discuss a customer’s unique requirements and potentially source additional equipment from external partners or sub-rent from other suppliers to meet their needs.
  • Providing expert advice: Direct conversations give you the chance to offer personalized recommendations or advice, something that’s harder to do through an automated system.
  • Maximizing upsell opportunities: Engaging directly with customers can open the door to upselling additional services, accessories, or complementary equipment, increasing the overall value of each rental.

Building relationships and trust

There are customers who may not be comfortable making an online booking without talking to someone first. This is especially true when it comes to high-cost or complex rentals. By requiring contact forms, you create an opportunity for meaningful conversations with potential clients. These interactions can help build trust, answer questions, and ensure that the customer feels confident in their rental decision.

Maintaining control for side hustles

For those running equipment rentals as a side hustle or smaller operation, using contact forms allows you to have more control over the business flow. You can be selective about the orders you take, ensuring that they align with your availability and preferences. This added level of control can be especially valuable when balancing the rental business with other responsibilities, allowing you to carefully manage your workload and income.

In these specific contexts, contact forms are not just a fallback option—they are a tool for maintaining control, flexibility, and high-touch customer service. While online booking systems are incredibly effective for most businesses, there are situations where using contact forms still provides strategic value.

How equipment rental software helps

The solution to these issues isn’t about choosing between online bookings or contact forms for managing your busines, you can effectively use rental software to manage inventory and streamline operations no matter which approach you take. Whether you allow customers to book directly online or prefer to handle inquiries through a contact form, equipment rental software can still give you control over inventory, availability, and customer interactions.

Here’s what you can gain by using rental software, whether you offer online bookings or rely on contact forms:

  • Increased control: Manage your inventory with precision, whether bookings are completed online or after a conversation through a contact form.
  • Improved customer experience: Offer real-time inventory visibility, whether customers are booking directly or reaching out to discuss their needs first.
  • Reduced workload: Use automation to handle inventory tracking and availability, reducing manual work even when managing bookings through contact forms.
  • Competitive edge: Stay ahead by offering seamless inventory management and accurate availability, regardless of whether bookings are automated or manually processed.

By adopting a rental software system to manage your inventory, you maintain control and flexibility whether you choose to offer online bookings or continue using contact forms. This approach allows you to streamline your operations and provide a modern, efficient experience for your customers, while tailoring the booking process to suit your business model.

Most important takeaways

Reduce customer drop-offs: By eliminating the need for contact forms and offering instant online bookings, businesses can reduce customer frustration and prevent drop-offs, ensuring more completed bookings.

Meet customer expectations: Customers now expect instant access to information and the ability to book online. Offering a online bookings aligns with these expectations and enhances customer satisfaction.

Operate 24/7: Online booking systems allow your business to accept reservations at any time, even outside of normal business hours, ensuring you don’t lose bookings when your office is closed.

Increase efficiency and reduce workload: Automating the booking process with rental software reduces the workload on your team by handling inquiries, availability checks, and payments.

Stay competitive: As competitors adopt tools that allow for seamless bookings, businesses that rely on manual processes risk falling behind. An online booking system keeps your business competitive.

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